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I´m not the person that like to wach cinema or read books, but sometimes they "come to me" in a special way, so, i´d has reading some books, I´d has watching some movies. To me is very difficul to say that I have my favorites, but now I´m going to tell you about some specials ones. When I was in Mexico, 2017 february, I learn a lot of thing, new places, food, people, and met new friends. When I was at Guadalajara, I meet with a good old friend; I staied at my friend´s home 1 week. There I meet for the first time to Ricardo, a good person, that gift to me a book named “Las Enseñanzas de Don Juan”, a nice and a special book, where Don Juan, a Mexican Indio, talk about the other way to perceive the reality, throw to the mind of a person that understand the universe like a one thing; all´s conected. A movie that I wach when I was younger was Matrix. Is a good movie, I like it a lot. I think that I´d watched it like 5 times hehehe, a lot. I like Sci-Fi movies, in general. Wich

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